Using a Teltonika FMB920 that I've used in my instance of Traccar before, I replaced a previous SIM with a new one and I'm seeing it connect in the logs however it does not appear online. I'm seeing the following reflected in the server logs with each connection attempt:
HEX: 000f333532303933303831353430333630
HEX: 01
HEX: 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
Running this through a hex decoder turns up nothing
Just tested it on latest code and it works fine for me.
That's quite odd, all I've done is replace the SIM. The only conf settings are related to SMTP and ignoring session cache so I don't think there are any issues related to that.
What else might be causing it not to update in the web UI?
(I'm using Traccar Server 4.2)
When connected to the Teltonika configurator, it says last server response time 1/1/1970 (meaning it's not getting anything back from the server)
I think there might also be another Teltonika device that was working which isn't updating in the web UI either (an FMB001) I thought it had been unplugged but as I watch the logs, I'm seeing reports from it but it's also not updating in the web UI either.
So only the Android client is updating in the UI and both my Teltonika devices aren't updating in the web UI any more.
I've uninstalled and re-installed 4.2 and suddenly the FMB001 started updating a LOT of backed up locations.
I'll be going through my config line-by-line but there's something odd with 4.2 that is causing updates not to be reflected properly
I've identified the issue:
Setting the ignoreSessionCache to true is causing the issue for some reason. The moment I remove it, the hex codes and the locations come through. The moment I implement it again, only the above Hex codes are registered but not the locations and the web UI never updates.
The reason is pretty simple. Teltonika doesn't send id with every message, so if you enable that flag, it's not able to identify device.
Interesting, so it's not possible to use Teltonika devices and HTTP proxied mobile clients on the same Traccar Server?
It is possible. Use latest version of Traccar.
I'm using the 4.2 release, is there a newer one?
No, version 4.2 should work just fine.
Strange, I wonder why the issue is occurring on 4.2 then. Are there any other logs I can send you?
What is the issue exactly?
When ignoreSessionCache is enabled, my Teltonika devices do not update in the web UI but the initial hex values (posted above) are received by the server in the logs. Mobile clients still work fine and show their updates in the web UI.
Using a Teltonika FMB920 that I've used in my instance of Traccar before, I replaced a previous SIM with a new one and I'm seeing it connect in the logs however it does not appear online. I'm seeing the following reflected in the server logs with each connection attempt:
Running this through a hex decoder turns up nothing