You can use manual installation.
But I would recommend upgrading your operating system.
ok thanks Anton i suppose that running this command in SSH java -jar tracker-server.jar conf/traccar.xml will be start traccar service correctly but how can i stop it?
It will start the process in your terminal session. You can stop it by sending termination signal.
ok but what is the the command for send termination signal? excuse me but.. i was looking for termination signal in forum and web but i didnt find it,
Usually you just press CTRL+C. It's not something specific to Traccar.
ah ok i understand.. but maybe i cannot explain my question correctly,
my question was about stop traccar background service, not for stop the process of start service. For example if i change config in traccar i will need to restart traccar (stop and start) and how can i do it manually?
Your command doesn't start service in the background.
ok but here dont mention how to start a service or how to stop, just how to install, even if service start automatically after install how could i stop service or restart manually? or im forced to reboot server for do that?
I think you are misunderstanding something. With manual installation it's up to you to run Traccar as a service. We don't provide any instructions for that because that would be OS specific. We just provide a command on how to run Traccar. It doesn't run it as a background system service.
ok i know that i can install and run traccar correctly , i meant how can restart traccar? or how can i stop traccar? for example in centos 7 i put systemctl stop traccar.service but what about in centos 6?
Hi Anton
im getting issues with installing traccar on centos 6.9.
thats the error
in centos 6 how can i run traccar without systemctl?