How to set up SMPP

victor orrego8 years ago

Did Someone has been able to set up SMPP to send SMS messages from the traccar web platform?

I believe I should add some parameters to the configuration file ( ) but I don't know what SMPP server service to use or if I could set up my own. I try Twilio but I was not able to send any sms to my phone for testing, my carrier Tmobile flagged the message. what another similar smpp provider could you suggest? what do you thing about

I notice there is little information about how to set up an SMPP. it would be nice for this community to share the general steps regarding this issue.
Thanks for the support.

Albertus8 years ago

Tried also but don't know where to start.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

How did you try Twillio? Did you get an SMPP server access from them?

There are some suggestions on forum on what services work and how to configure them. Use search.

manjoel8 years ago

Hi for the monment I have an Galaxy S5 with Ozeki Smpp, the lite version every Message has "sent by Ozeki SMPP SMS Gateway for Androis". It is working with the instructiuons on

Now i try with Servers Ultimate but for the moment I have still problems making a connection.

victor orrego8 years ago

if it ends with "sent by Ozeki SMPP SMS Gateway for Androis" I dont think it will work to send sms commands to my gps. I asked Twilio for the server access. waiting for their response. hope they do, they are cheaper than others. Right now I am trying with I will let you know if it works

victor orrego8 years ago

I added this to the configuration file:

<entry key='sms.smpp.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=''></entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.port'>1775</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.username'>fggovpp5</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.password'>********</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry>

then reset traccar and tried to send a command and I got this:

SMPP client is not enabled - RuntimeException (BaseProtocol:106 < DeviceManager:469 < CommandResource:38 < ...)

What am I missing? I

There is another issue. I realized that I can only send SMS messages when the device is online... The reason why I'm trying to set the SMPP server is so I can get the device online from the traccar web platform and not from my phone. I set my GPS so it won't send updates regularly but only when I request it via SMS so I save as much battery as possible from the device. The way I'm working now is using traccar hosted on AWS and all my devices are normally offline. so when I need to request a possition, I need to send an SMS from my phone to the GPS so it gets back online and starts sending data to my server. I want to send the SMS commands from traccar but Im not allowed because the device obviously is offline. is this a bug or a feature?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I don't see sms.smpp.sourceAddress parameter. Also, have you restarted Traccar after changing config?

I'm not sure where you got the idea that you can send SMS only when device is online, but it's incorrect. The whole point of SMS command is that you can send them even if device is offline.

victor orrego8 years ago

Then I'm missing something here because the send via SMS box is gray out. I'm not allowed to check the box. why is that?. I did stop and restart traccar and still is not working.

when I try to test SMS from the account panel I get the following:

System error - IllegalStateException (SmppClient:220 < NotificationSms:48 < NotificationResource:74 < ...)

so far I got this:

<entry key='sms.smpp.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=''></entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.port'>1775</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.username'>fggovpp5</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.password'>*********</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.sourceAddress'>+18572220376</entry>

this is the reply I got from smsglobal:

Thank you for contacting SMSGlobal.

Source address is your 'Sender ID' (my verified number)
System Id: (Your Username)
IP address:
Port : (1775)
Password : (Your password)
SMS Gateway Encode Type : (GSM ) 
ESME Address Settings 
Address TON: (1)
Address NPI: (1) 
Address Range: ( it should to be empty )

Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

SMS box is greyed out because your device is offline, so you can only use SMS commands. It is automatically checked for you already.

As for the error, it seems like it's coming from the SMPP server, so you should check with your provider.

victor orrego8 years ago

alright, it seems to be working now. I had to add the +1 country code to the phone number of the device.

Loic 7 years ago

Dear friend

i just set notifications on my traccar server. By mail it's ok the server send notifications correctly.

I have a problem with SMPP server. I am working with nexmo. I have put this config in traccar.xml

<entry key='sms.smpp.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=''></entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.port'>8000</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.username'>032e101b</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.password'>***********</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.sourceAddress'>+33644633810</entry>

I have this error :

SMPP session is not connected - SmppChannelException (SmppClient:223 < NotificationSms:48 < NotificationResource:62 < ...)

Sending SMS with my nexmo account when i am using http ... I tried with different host from nexmo but it still doesn't work.

Maybe there is a mistake in the coding of phone number in the web server ? I use international format +33 for France.

Would you help me please ?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You would need to confirm with your provider if connection details are correct.

Arthur Araujo7 years ago

Can someone help me, getting this error in log file:

Source address invalid - IllegalStateException (SmppClient:244 < *:261 < ...)

Here is my parameters:

    <entry key='sms.enable'>true</entry>
    <entry key=''></entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.port'>2710</entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.username'>5b7c417d98af5</entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.password'>xxxxxxxx</entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry>
    <entry key='sms.smpp.sourceAddress'>+553499939xxx</entry>
Meenu6 years ago

Hi Dear Anton , Does this SMPP work ? Do you have any in .apk Format ? Kindly Reply.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

No, it does not. Unfortunately I never finished that project.