ST-902 (Sinotrack)

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

We are going in circles. The example that you provided there does not correspond to what you see in the web app. You have to provide actual data that your device sends.

mehano8 years ago

The new value today :


From the tracker-server.log :

2017-09-06 14:45:22 DEBUG: [96287951: 55013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383137303631323132392c56312c3132343532302c412c353032362e303031392c4e2c30303430312e383437302c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3036303931372c46464646423946462c3230362c30312c30373131342c323638393023
2017-09-06 14:45:23  INFO: [96287951] id: 8170612129, time: 2017-09-06 14:45:20, lat: 50.43337, lon: 4.03078, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-09-06 14:45:33  INFO: [96287951] disconnected
mehano8 years ago
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Status is correct. As for other 4 values, it looks like there is no easy way to implement proper decoding because some other models report non-cell information after status. There is no way to distinguish between two.

mehano7 years ago

This document can help ?

Anduriño7 years ago
mehano7 years ago

Hello Arturo,

How can I interpret / use this ?

Thank you,

Anduriño7 years ago

"...for other 4 values, it looks like there is no easy way to implement proper decoding because some other models report ..." differences in flags for different devices that use H02 protocol.

mehano7 years ago

Okay, I did not understand this for the different devices.

Thank you.

imarinkovic7 years ago

I can confirm in my case, with iTrac MT-1, the following info (using Movistar network):

Io1 = 730 (MMC)
Io2 = 2 (MNC)

Esteban Bravo7 years ago

The ST-902 (Sinotrack) Gps works in my car, but it does not deliver information through OBD of the vehicle, such as Engine Status, Fuel%, temperature, etc. when the engine is on. The vehicle is an Audi A4 B8 and use CAN Protrocol by OBD port.
What I can do ?


Anduriño7 years ago

The ST-902 internally only has 2 wires (connected to the pins ODB + and -)

You will not be able to read other data, not even ACC (on / off) key ignition

Bom dia, preciso dá ajuda de vocês, tenho um SinoTracking Sputnik e está funcionando a plataforma SMS mas não está funcionando o app, teria como.o me auxiliar na configuração doeste serviço? Já coloquei o APN dá minha operadora é o mesmo não fica on Line, ele pega sozinho um IP e porta do server do sinotracking no aguardo grato

Nick6 years ago

Hi all,
I need some help on these Sinotrack devices. I can also see those 5 Io values & one Status value which are MCC, MNC, LAC and CID/CellID and Status as reported by the device and shown on Traccar.

My questions are:

  1. What does the Status value indicate, and is it taken as an input in any calculations within Traccar?
  2. I suppose the Io values are helpful in LBS-only tracking but using these parameters is the location accurate?
  3. Many gps trackers cache the lat-long coordinates and when the cellular coverage is back again, it sends all the cached coordinates with respect to time when there was no coverage. Do Sinotrack devices support lat-long caching, when cellular coverage is low or zero?

I highly appreciate if anyone can please elaborate their answer on my doubts.

Ryan5 years ago

@johanhje, in terms of location accuracy and reporting, will you recommend this OBD tracker for traccar?