If device sends data in the wrong order, it can result in problems with distance calculation.
Yes, Anton you are correct.
Is there any way to sort out this issue, as after a certain interval if it generating a huge difference between traccar calculation and actual one.
I mean Is there any way configuration which I am missing right now ?
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do on the server side. Some devices allow to configure uploading order, so that might be a good option if your devices support it.
As I am new to this, Can you please let me know which devices among of them are supported uploading order ?
Meanwhile I am checking same also.
I don't know the answer. You would need to check with device vendors. I know that Teltonika devices support this.
Apart from this, is there any way to skip that positions for which deviceTime and serverTime contains large difference ?
Not as far as I know.
Hello Anton !!
I hope you are doing good,
Sometimes there is a difference betnween serverTime or deviceTime, fixTime which causes a difference between actual vehicle distance and computed distance by traccar
Can you please help us in this case ?
How that timings are getting changed and correct by it self ?