Loss of packets Protocol gl200

jackson alves7 years ago

Hello, I'm missing information on the queclink's gv55 model devices, when the vehicle is outside the cell phone operator's area, it is not displaying the route report by the shadow location when it comes back online.

Sorry for the bad english. I'm Brazilian.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I think it's better to contact device vendor support.

jackson alves7 years ago

Good morning Anton, the gl200 protocol packets are delaying, and it is not reporting in the scheduled time, this is happening with all the equipment that uses this protocol.
I would like to know the form used to read the information sent by the equipment to the Traccar, if it is ASCII or HEX, what is the report mode? what is the buffer mode priority, if it is to enable SACK? and what is the time of the Heartbeat interval?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar decodes data without any delays. If you have delays, it means that your device reported it with delay.

jackson alves7 years ago

Resolved, only deactivated SACK enable.

VipTecnologias6 years ago

Hello, how did you solve your problem with GV55 from Queclink? My device does not go online continuously, send the location and at the same time it is already disconnected status, not showing the commands

Miranda6 years ago

I would like to know the form used to read the information sent by the equipment to the Traccar, if it is ASCII or HEX?

jackson alves6 years ago

I'm from Brazil, sorry for the bad English, so the GV55 works you have to use it as TCP ASCII and disable the sack enable