aria - ...charts-all.css cant load from resource

rolsch6 years ago

i have change Triton to aria and this works... in the past.

Now "" cant load from resource.

Any hints - the Triton Icons are to light and can not good recognized when selected :-(


Changed load.js

addScriptFile('//' + extjsVersion + '/classic/locale/locale-' + locale.languages[locale.language].code + '.js');
addStyleFile('//' + extjsVersion + '/classic/theme-aria/resources/theme-aria-all.css');
addScriptFile('//' + extjsVersion + '/classic/theme-aria/theme-aria.js');
addStyleFile('//' + extjsVersion + '/packages/charts/classic/aria/resources/charts-all.css');
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Is it not working? Or you just don't like the warning?

rolsch6 years ago

Hi Anton,
the cdjns-URL don' works - and the traccar-webui shows buggy.

I browse the cdnjs-extjs manually and can't find extjs/6.2.0/packages/charts/classic/aria/resources/charts-all.css anymore.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What is buggy exactly?

rolsch6 years ago

"" cant load from resource.

=> all icons are black with no signs

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Icons issue has nothing to do with it. You need to include FontAwesome dependency.

rolsch6 years ago

Hi Anton.

Sorry i dont understand this - please a little more hints.
(i read

In the past: the change to aria in the file load.js works.
Now all icons in the webui are black and i must revert to triton.

Reagards Roland

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to revert this change:

ARIA theme doesn't include font awesome, as far as I understand. Triton theme does.

rolsch6 years ago

Hmm, sure?
Is this the complete commit?
I see some icon definitions in map.js file … (also the geo/live/follow icons in the right upper corner)

Regards Roland

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I'm not sure because I don't use ARIA theme.

rolsch6 years ago

switched back to Triton.

Can you give me a hint how to change the color of the Icons in the selected state?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Just set button style when it's pressed.

JJ Anderson6 years ago


I am using traccar on Windows 10. I have affected the changes however the icons are still not appearing.

One thing I did notice, is that the following lines were not in my load.js and therefore I could not delete lines 165

addStyleFile('//' + fontAwesomeVersion + '/css/all.css');

I also use Traccar in docker and simply changing triton to aria worked perfectly without any additional changes. I know you don't use aria, but are you able to provide any help on this?

acast6 years ago

JJ Anderson - friend how did you solve it?