Engine Resume works but Engine Stop doesn't (H02)

Jean6 years ago

I have a G05 tracker secumore. Can someone help me?

2018-09-26 14:11:37  INFO: [e9ffc446] id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, command type: engineStop sent
2018-09-26 14:11:37 DEBUG: [e9ffc446: 5013 >] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c5332302c3137313133372c312c332c31302c332c352c352c332c352c332c352c332c3523
2018-09-26 14:11:39 DEBUG: [e9ffc446: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c56342c5332302c4f4b2c3137313133372c3137313133382c412c323032372e33303239322c532c30343233392e39383330302c572c302e30302c302c3236303931382c4646464646464646230d0a
id: 865205031071243, time: 2018-09-26 14:11:38, lat: -20.45505, lon: -42.66638, course: 0.0, result: S20,OK,171137
2018-09-26 14:14:32  INFO: [e9ffc446] id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, command type: engineResume sent
2018-09-26 14:14:32 DEBUG: [e9ffc446: 5013 >] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c5332302c3137313433322c302c3023
2018-09-26 14:14:33 DEBUG: [e9ffc446: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c56342c5332302c4f4b2c3137313433322c3137313433312c412c323032372e33303239322c532c30343233392e39383330302c572c302e30302c302c3236303931382c4637464646464646230d0a
2018-09-26 14:14:33  INFO: [e9ffc446] id: 865205031071243, time: 2018-09-26 14:14:31, lat: -20.45505, lon: -42.66638, course: 0.0, result: S20,OK,171432
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Response seems to be OK in both cases, so I think there is some problem with the device.

Jean6 years ago

I'm going to test on another platform to see what happens. By sms works correctly.

Jean6 years ago

I decoded the HEX so you can see if anything is wrong.
Engine Stop sent


Engine Resume sent

2018-09-29 00:01:55  INFO: [7f71434d] id: 865205031071243, command type: engineStop sent
2018-09-29 00:01:55 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 >] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c5332302c3033303135352c312c332c31302c332c352c352c332c352c332c352c332c3523
2018-09-29 00:01:56 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c56342c5332302c4f4b2c3033303135352c3033303135352c412c323032372e33303737332c532c3034323339
2018-09-29 00:01:56 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 <] HEX: 2e39373334352c572c302e30302c302c3239303931382c4646464546424646230d0a
2018-09-29 00:01:56  INFO: [7f71434d] id: 865205031071243, time: 2018-09-29 00:01:55, lat: -20.45513, lon: -42.66622, course: 0.0, result: S20,OK,030155
2018-09-29 00:03:57 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c48544254230d0a
2018-09-29 00:05:57 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c48544254230d0a
2018-09-29 00:07:52  INFO: [7f71434d] id: 865205031071243, command type: engineResume sent
2018-09-29 00:07:52 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 >] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c5332302c3033303735322c302c3023
2018-09-29 00:07:54 DEBUG: [7f71434d: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313037313234332c56342c5332302c4f4b2c3033303735322c3033303735322c412c323032372e33303737332c532c30343233392e39373334352c572c302e30302c302c3239303931382c4646464546424646230d0a
2018-09-29 00:07:54  INFO: [7f71434d] id: 865205031071243, time: 2018-09-29 00:07:52, lat: -20.45513, lon: -42.66622, course: 0.0, result: S20,OK,030752
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to ask your device vendor if the format is correct.

Jean6 years ago

Look at this part of the document and compare it with the previous part that I sent.

For Example (Disable Fuel Command):
Command: *HQ,865205030330012,S20,130305,1,1#
Reply: *HQ,865205030330012,V4,S20,DONE,130305,050316,A,2212.8745,N,11346.6574,E,14.28,028,220902,F7FFFBFF#
For Example (Enable fuel Command):
Comamnd: *HQ,865205030330012,S20,130305,1,0#
Reply: *HQ,865205030330012,V4,S20,OK,130305,050316,A,2212.87450,N,11346.65740,E,14.28,028,220902,F7FFFBFF#

Jean6 years ago

Anton, you can add this document to the traccar database for "Cantrack " devices. (H02)

Jean6 years ago

I sent a custom command and it worked correctly. Does the time in the command influence anything?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Added protocol document.

Nick6 years ago

Hi Jean,
I'm using ST-901 device works on H02 protocol, but I'm unable to figure out the commands format. I have been given 2-3 different protocol guides by the vendor, but none of them are clear. Can you help me by sharing a few commands which can be set from the Traccar web commands section?
Possibly if you can share a commands guide. I know ST-901 doesn't support engine start/stop, but I have another model on h02 which has a relay and will accept engine start/stop cmds. Even other commands will be quite worthwhile.

Jean6 years ago

Nick, traccar has a doc database: Link
The vendor of my device sent me a document and it's on the page with name: h02_cantrack_secumore.pdf.

Nick6 years ago

Thanks Jean,
I will check if the commands in this guide are compatible with my devices.

german sanchez 5 years ago

yo tengo secumore g900 pero no me funciona, que comando debo enviar gracias //I have secumore g900 but it doesn't work for me, what command should I send thanks

Aakansha3 years ago

How Can I get the status of the engine stop/resume in Api Response which will be stored in the Database too as a record ???