Web Notifications on Mobiles

JohnnyD7 years ago

Hi, quick question, do web notifications work on mobile phones that have the traccar manager installed?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

They do, but they work the same way as in the web app. They won't work as native mobile notifications.

JohnnyD7 years ago

Ah OK, Thanks Anton, thats what I really wanted to know.....will work on the SMS route in that case, thanks


JohnnyD6 years ago

Does anything need extra setting up from the default install for websockets to work? Still getting a websockets connection error on iPhone app?


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Nothing extra is required. Possibly you have some network issue. WebSockets can be blocked on corporate networks and even some internet providers.

JohnnyD6 years ago

Hi Anton, The iPhone is on the same wireless network as the server, so no network/firewall issues I am aware of.....

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Is it a corporate network?

JohnnyD6 years ago

No its my home LAN

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Then it's unlikely, but still possible, that it's blocked. Do you get error instantly or after some time?

JohnnyD6 years ago

Its normally when I go back into the app, so I am not ruling out that its not the iPhone waking up wireless too slowly or something like that, how can I prove websockets is working on the iPhone or in a browser? If I login via a browser on an iMac also on the same LAN I see...

URL: ws://x.x.x.x:xx/api/socket
Status: 101 Switching Protocols
Source: —


Connection: Upgrade
Host: x.x.x.x:xx
Origin: http://x.x.x.x:xx
Cookie: JSESSIONID=15ebjkl0zsmx0l2unu0nvvcoc; ext-state-grid=o%3Acolumns%3Da%253Ao%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah2%5EstoreState%3Do%253Asorters%253Da%25253Ao%2525253Aroot%2525253Ds%252525253Adata%2525255Eproperty%2525253Ds%252525253Apriority%2525255Edirection%2525253Ds%252525253AASC%2525255Eid%2525253Ds%252525253Apriority%5Eweight%3Dn%253A10; ext-devices-and-state-panel=o%3Aweight%3Dn%253A-10; ext-devices-grid=o%3Acolumns%3Da%253Ao%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah2%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah3%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah4%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah5%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah6%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah7%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah8%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah9%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah10%5Eweight%3Dn%253A0; ext-events-grid=o%3Acollapsed%3Db%253A0%5Ecolumns%3Da%253Ao%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah2%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Ah3%5Eweight%3Dn%253A-20; ext-device-follow-button=o%3Apressed%3Db%253A1; ext-events-scroll-to-last-button=o%3Apressed%3Db%253A1; ext-show-geofences-button=o%3Apressed%3Db%253A1; ext-show-live-routes-button=o%3Apressed%3Db%253A0; ext-sound-button=o%3Apressed%3Db%253A0; password=xx; user=xx
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Sec-WebSocket-Key: xxxxxx==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Safari/605.1.15


Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 10:57:04 GMT
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: xxxxxxxx=
Upgrade: WebSocket
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Looks fine to me. If it happens only when you come back to the app, it might be just the way system handles it.