Help Gps Coban (tk103G)

Giovannic6 years ago

Hello Anton,
You can help me with the protocol of this Chinese device of the company coban, which uses this protocol. Coban tk103G Protocol

This is where I have the problem.
Gps Device Login
Device sends login packet ##,imei:864180037879470,A;
Traccar Reply: LOAD
PS: If device "LOAD", it indicates device connect server successfully. If device not receive, it will continue to send login data.

These are the hex:

2018-09-14 04:58:34 DEBUG: [8B33421A: 5001 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3836343138303033373837393437302c413b
2018-09-14 04:58:34 DEBUG: [8B33421A: 5001 >] HEX: 4c4f4144



Anton Tananaev6 years ago

So, what is the problem?

Giovannic6 years ago

Hi Anton,
For the device to send latitude and longitude frames it must be initialized, and this is done from the server side with "LOAD"
the problem is that traccar should send to the device "LOAD" and it does not.
eventually traccar should also send "ON" to keep the connection with the device active and neither does it.


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can clearly see from your own log that Traccar does send LOAD back to the device.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Traccar also sends ON response for heartbeat messages, so both of your claims are completely incorrect.