Custom Protocol - Emergency Services

Albertus7 years ago

Good Day Anton

We want to use traccar to identify people in need of emergency services.
Do you think it will be able for me to build a custom protocol for our Android App and for you to integrate into Traccar?

How it will work is as follows:

The person will open Android Application and press panic button that will send his location same as GPS Panic or He/She can select specific situation that will be send to control room to know which emergency services to dispatch.

We can share android app as open source if it will be required.

Thank You

Albertus Geyser

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Why can't you just use existing Traccar Client app?

Albertus7 years ago

Good Day Anton
Not sure if it will work for our purpose as we only want to get location if in trouble and not constant tracking. And panic should identify different situations that person could be in. Maybe I am reinventing the wheel. Please give me info if I could use your android app for our purpose.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes, it will work for your case.