My devices keep going unknown

Imran Khan7 years ago

My devices keep going unknown and then come back online. This happens frequently, sometimes I am using the device it will go unknown which will send me an email but in the next 5 seconds it will come online without me even touching the device. It is doing this with all devices. So I started getting like 100 emails in a day. Is there something I am missing. I understand the device needs to be GPS and Data enabled which it is.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Unknown status means that your device hasn't reported data for 10 minutes. Timeout value is configurable.

Imran Khan7 years ago

Where can I configure the timeout value

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please read documentation before asking questions.

Luciano6 years ago

Prezados, boa noite...
Instalei o servidor no Linux Ubuntu e estou tentando identificar meu android, mais no acesso via web aparece como "Desconectado". No meu computador estou usando um modem com chip de operadora (Internet liberada sem nenhum bloqueio). Estou usando o windows 7 para acessar o sistema via web e nas configurações no android está o mesmo ip do servidor linux. Eu consigo registrar o android com um ip interno da rede e no celular estou usando meu chip de dados e até mesmo uso o Wifi com chip de outra operadora... só continua como "desconectado"... o que devo fazer?
Na Opção de "status" na aplicação do android está dando a mensagem na sequência abaixo:

22:58 - Localização atualizada
22:58 - Falha no envio
22:58 - Falha no envio
22:59 - Falha no envio
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Luciano, please don't spam everywhere with your question. One place is more than enough.

Luciano6 years ago

Anton, good night ...

Sorry, I will not do this anymore ... can you help me with this?

Luciano6 years ago

Good night dear...
I installed the server in Linux Ubuntu and I am trying to identify my android, most in the web access appears as "Disconnected". On my computer I am using a modem with operator chip (Internet released without any blocking). I am using windows 7 to access the system via web and in the settings in android is the same ip of the linux server. I can register the android with an internal ip of the network and in the mobile I am using my data chip and even use the Wifi with chip of another operator ... only continues as "disconnected" ... what should I do?
In the "Status" option in the android application is giving the message in the sequence below:

22:58 - Updated Location
22:58 - Upload failed
22:58 - Upload failed
22:59 - Upload failed
Anton Tananaev6 years ago