Extremely Slow Web Interface

Catman10 years ago

We have Traccar 2.12 installed on RHEL 6.3 with MySQL 5.1 as the database. There are about 300 plus devices which send updates every minute. We have been experiencing an extremely slow web interface which has made it almost impossible to add new devices. We have also noticed that the data entered for the new devices gets mixed up with each other. Also, if we run even a simple query using the MySQL prompt (for example, SELECT * FROM devices;) it takes atleast 2-3 minutes to execute the query and display the results.

We have carried out performance tuning for MySQL as well as the Linux kernel but that has not made any difference. What all can be done to improve the web interface speed and peformance and solve this issue ?

Also, what is the maximum number of devices a single installation can support ?


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

What are your server hardware specs?

Traccar 2.12 uses old version of web interface. New one (Traccar 3.0) is much faster and allows to optimize SQL queries for better performance.

Traccar doesn't have any limits on number of devices. I know some people have more than 10k devices. It all depends on the server hardware.

Catman10 years ago

The surprising thing is that hardware is not a limitation at all. It is installed on a multi core Intel Xeon server system with plenty of RAM. Traccar would have atleast 8 cores with 32 GB available to it.

We were earlier running version 2.7 and have upgraded it to 2.12 and I think the database structure has changed in case of 3.0 which will require a number of changes in our own application.

Do we need to tweak any Java settings to make sure that Traccar is able to use the available hardware resources ?

What is the recommended hardware for Traccar ?

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

You can set memory limit for java in wrapper.conf file:

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

Database structure significantly changed in version 3.0, but it's the way to go in future. So, I guess you would have to update sooner or later.

Catman10 years ago

Will increase the memory limit as suggested and see if it makes any difference.

I am just wondering if anyone else has also experienced this slow web interface problem or it is specific to our installation.


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

Yes, I have heard quite a few complaints about old web interface performance. Maybe not as bad as in your case though.

Traccar Baba7 years ago

Hi Dear Anton , I have been facing problem of very slow first time loading traccar web interface. I am using Traccar 3.7. I checked the Heap Memory it was in %

Traccar Baba7 years ago

Sorry one more thing it is loading fast on LAN but get free slow while opening through internet even internet speed is very fast. Same is with Traccar App. I have Server with 2 TB HDD and 32 GB RAM HP 380 G7.

Traccar Baba7 years ago

Dear Anton Still waiting for your Response. Kindly guide.