Not deleted user data after user deletion

salas7 years ago

I deleted all users in my traccar server. Also i deleted all geofences and devices in my user. I am a full administrator user and then in users option
i created an user and when i was adding a geofence to that user the server still have the geofences related to the users i have deleted.

So i have in my user account in my geofence window i have 2 geofences
But when assigning geofences to other users i have 4, why ? i have no more users.

I have checked the table in phpmyadmin it is like this
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My Geofences
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Assigning Geofences
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The same thing happens with drivers, groups, geofences. But not whit devices.


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It means that you haven't removed those geofences from the system.

salas7 years ago

Yes, but when i go to the geofence list they dont appear.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It means that they are not linked to your user account.

salas7 years ago

Casa Casa dont appear , so i cant delete it
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salas7 years ago

So the only way to delete it is to enter phpMyAdmin and delete it directly in the database

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

No, you can link it to your own user and delete it.

salas7 years ago


Amazing solution. Thanks it works =)