Username and email


Does how user name and email address to be two separate data objects? I mean that I want to be able to set a user name for login in system, for user1, and a separate email to the user to receive the notifications.

acast7 years ago

do you mean that the user has a quick access with his nickname but still receives notifications? ..

Yes, I want the user to pick a user name through which to enter into the system and separately enter email to receive a notification.

acast7 years ago

ask that to Anton and his answer was that it is not possible

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You need to change code for that.

abyss7 years ago

I would add that change only web code, just add login field to user dialog.

Can you explain with more details, please?

abyss7 years ago

Login field used by LDAP authentication and should not be configurable by default, but if you do not use LDAP you can make this filed configurable. You need to add it to User dialog

If you set login for user, he/she can login by email or by login as well. It is default behavior (implemented for LDAP), it can be changed in login request.

Ok, I think I got it. I made the following changes in /web/app/view/dialog/User.js and the username box appears above the email address field. For now its work - can be logged in with both the username from this field and the email address.

                xtype: 'textfield',
                name: 'login',
                fieldLabel: Strings.userLogin,
                allowBlank: false
            }, {
                xtype: 'textfield',
                name: 'email',
                fieldLabel: Strings.userEmail,
                allowBlank: false

I also added the string for login field to the language file. Do I have to change or add something to the other files (field requirements, such as number of characters, etc.) to work or can I leave it like this?

I also want to add a column to see the newly added user name field next to the email address field. How to make it happen?

abyss7 years ago

I also thought it was there. I added the code but without any success. Other suggestions?

abyss7 years ago

What exactly have you added?

            text: Strings.userEmail,
            dataIndex: 'email',
            filter: 'string'
        }, {
            text: Strings.userLogin,
            dataIndex: 'login',
            filter: 'string'
abyss7 years ago

Works fine to me, may be you missed something...