Does Traccar Client run on Android custom ROM?

cuwid7 years ago

Hi @anton tanaev,
do you think Traccar Client can run on Android Stock ROM?
I've try on my old Samsung Galaxy Wonder I8150 with several Cyanogen Mod ROM. CM9 to CM12.1, none of them can run Traccar Client normaly. But I'm still not sure its because of the ROM or the device. The apps is running, the service is started. But no "Location update" or even "Send failed" on status log. Would you figure it out what the problem is?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I would appreciate if you spell my name correctly. This is not the first time.

cuwid7 years ago

Hi @anton tananaev, i'm really sorry.
honestly, i just realize that i'm miss spelling your name...more than once.
please accept my apologies.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar Client should work on any Android device. If you don't get Location Update, it means that your phone doesn't provide location to the app. Reason can by anything from permissions and Android settings to lack of GPS signal.