Problem Connection

Alex011010 years ago

Traccar I put on a virtual machine with Ubuntu (Linux ) 14.04 LTS , I traccar client application installed on the phone and I put IP address and port in app but when I give the status and location updates after send failed.
What could I do?
Thank you in advance!

aspero10 years ago

You need to have server's port available/visible from the outside (for iOS it's 5005). Try to telnet to port 5005 from the outside of your Ubuntu network. You should see something like:

Connected to yourserver.yourdomain
Escape character is '^]'.

If you don't, you have to open this port in your Ubuntu's firewall. I'm not very familiar with Ubuntu but this should help (Working With Rules):

If you still can't reach 5005 - you have to ask your service provider as 5005 is not a very popular port (I mean it's not as popular as ftp, ssh, www, smtp etc.) and it may be blocked by default by some providers (rather telecom than hosting).


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

You can check if your port is visible from internet here:

cuwid7 years ago

Hi @anton tanaev,
i just installed 2 Traccar Client. 1 is on Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 with Android Lolipop(5.0.2), 1 is on Samsung Galaxy Wonder with Android Kitkat (Cyanogen mod firmware). Network connection are just fine on both client, server can ping to both client. When I run the traccar client service on both phone, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 client is detected active on Traccar, but the Samsung Galaxy Wonder client is detected not active. I've checked that the setting are identic, use the same server, same port, same interval, etc. Can you give me information how to analyze this problem?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please don't comment on ancient threads in future. As for the problem, you need to check app status screen.

cuwid7 years ago

sorry, i just try not to make a new threads and choose similar thread to ask my problem. So the forum won't have much similar threads.
Btw, i've check the status. "Network online" and "Service started". But there's difference. The Samsung Galaxy W looks like it don't try to send something to server. While on my on Xiaomi Redmi Note 2, it always send data to server periodically. For your information, my Galaxy W is flashed with Cyanogen custom ROM. I've try to flash with other custom ROM, but result is still same. Do you have any idea what cause it?