GPRS Link down Issue

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

Hi Anton,

I have discussed this issue several time but didn't get solution. I have investigated as below-

  1. I have closed all the ports except 5012 and removed all the devices except one device.
  2. I have set IP and port
  3. I have one line in the main event handler class's method channelConnected method.
  4. When I check the log file, it print that channel connected -
    2018-08-07 17:51:33 INFO: connected custom1 [id: 0xc12ad59f, / => /] CONNECTED: /
  5. Channel is connecting but nothing happen next
  6. In my device it is showing - GPRS link down means device not getting response from server

What can be the issue ? Can anyone help me ? I am ready to pay.

jaimzj7 years ago

Hello Anisha, you seem to be using concox devices? please email me at