Traccar 4.0 upgrade

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

I've read through the blog post, and am looking forward to upgrading.

In relation to the updated DB table names, along with the chance of stability issues, if I upgrade and find the stability is not acceptable, is it going to be a difficult process to return to 3.17 using the upgraded DB setup, or for any other reason?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It will be tricky to revert the changes, but I don't expect this version to be that unstable that you would want to revert. Anyway, don't forget to make a database backup before upgrading.

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

OK, thanks, good to know.

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

Hi again,
I've just performed the upgrade, and I can see the re-named tables etc. It seemed to go pretty smoothly.
I'm having an issue where none of the reports from my devices are being shown either on the web interface, or being stored in the DB tc_positions table.
I can see the reports being received by the server in the tracker-server.log file.

I am using Sanav GS-819 (same as GS-818, with 4G cellular) devices. Do you think this is related to the updated sanav device server? I'm assuming those changes are included in this release?
The hex in the log converts to this format:
GET /?imei=123456789123456&rmc=$GPRMC,063026.000,A,3850.2953,S,14456.9259,E,0.00,208.57,070818,,*18,POLL,---.-C HTTP/1.1 HOST:

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Did it work before? Can I see relevant fragment from logs?

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

Thanks Anton, yes it was working very reliably before.
I've emailed the log to you.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have checked your logs and it's not Sanav protocol that's implemented in Traccar. It seems to be an HTTP version of the protocol. Traccar doesn't support it.

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

OK. Is this related to the changes to the Sanav protocol that I paid for?
My existing DB position entries are marked as sanav protocol column, and I've always used HTTP to receive the positions.

I can switch the devices to TCP or UDP, so I'll try that.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

No, it's not related to the changes. Traccar used to support only TCP. Now it supports both TCP and UDP for Sanav.

Angus Lithgow7 years ago

I've changed the protocol to UDP using port 5051, and I'm getting reports being processed correctly now.
It's also reporting Ignition On and Off using the ACC settings in the sanav device setup.
I haven't testing it, but I can see that there is also status reporting status of inputs 1-5, and outputs 1 & 2

Hopefully that's all that was needed. I'd happy to see the extra bit reporting seems to be working OK.

Hi Anton, I am planning to upgrade to latest version of traccar. I am running version 3.14 now.
Is there any issue if I upgrade to version 4.0? My positions table has many records so it is difficult to make a backup.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There shouldn't be any issues, but you definitely need to make a backup.