changed from openGTS to Traccar

Chris100147 years ago

I've upgraded my Traccar Installation from 2.x to 3.17. I used the old version together with openGTS database. Now I want to use the new traccar db. I configured the mySQL db in the config file as described. But now, the position data still is written to the EventData table of my old gts db. And also new users a created in gts db.
Could anyone help me what I have to change in addition to the db configuration in traccar.xml? I already deleted the whole gts directory and stopped traccar and started again. But the data is still written to the gts db. May it help to uninstall and install traccar again?
Best regards,

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If it still stores data in OpenGTS database, obviously your configuration is incorrect.

Chris100147 years ago

Yes, that's what I also thought. But configuration was correct. After rebooting my server the data now goes into the right db. I was a little bit confused, because I expected that the config would work after restart of Traccar.
