power lost event

Evan Irungu7 years ago

Hello guys

do anyone know how to generate power lost event on Atrack protocol

Evan Irungu7 years ago

this is for AK1

Fanny Leszkoova7 years ago

We installed the product in the car and it was working good, we installed it in a test car after that we installed it on the car in which it was supposed to be forever and it is showing that it is offline, I already send all the 3 sms text to the device but on the third one there was no reply,what could be the problem? The device is installed now in the car where we wanted it to be the blue and the orange light are on so the gps and gsm are OK, we have no idea

Thank you for your help.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

@Fanny, this is completely inappropriate thread to ask.

Fanny Leszkoova7 years ago

@Anton Im sorry I am not familiar worh this page and I am searching for forums where someone could help me woth this and I only found this one but I cant write my own questions

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Everyone can write own questions.