sensor/ microcontroller/GPS and GSM

has7 years ago

Good Day,‎
I have handmade microcontroller board with GPS and GSM modules, ‎this board measure the temperature. My goals are:‎
‎1-‎ Track this board on Traccar
‎2-‎ Send the temperature values to the traccar demo server
‎3-‎ ‎ Finally, see the online data of GPS location (on map) and the ‎temperature values on demo server.‎
Therefore, how I can make this goal. Did the free demo server is ‎sufficient? How data frame is prepared? ‎

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can use any of supported protocols.

has7 years ago

Dear Anton,
Many thank for all of your reply and help.
my board gps module is GTPA010 which used NMEA 0183 protocol.
an example of data sentence is ($GPRMC,064951.000,A,2307.1256,N,12016.4438,E,0.03,165.48,260406,3.05,W,A*2C).
but unfortunately, the traccar used osmand protocol. therefore, how can i used the NMEA 0183 protocol in traccar, because i can not modify my board to use osmand protocol?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

NMEA doesn't have any device identification information.