Position received but not written in database

tmtck019 years ago

I'm trying to send a position data through my java client socket program . I am using the protocol GPS103 . From log data is received ( DEBUG : [ C22555F1 : 5056 < ] HEX : 696d65693a3133353739303234363831313232312c747261636b65722c3135313033303038303130332c2c462c3030303130312e3030302c412c353434332e333833342c4e2c30323531322e393037312c452c302e30302c303b) but it is not written to the database and not displayed . Sent text to socket (port 5056) : IMEI : 359710045559474 , tracker , 151030080103 , , F , 000101.000 , A, 5443.3834 , N , 02512.9071 , E , 0.00,0 ; ( calss Gps103ProtocolDecoderTest ) .
What could be the problem ?
Excuse me for my english
Thank you

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Duplicate of the following GitHub thread:


Please next time use either forum or GitHub and not both.