Device timezone Handling question

jaimzj7 years ago


I have a question with reference to the following implementation , on how it works


Device is on GT06 Protocol

Server/OS time zone = UTC

Physical Devices Time zone = ''America/Toronto' (auto set by device based on location, non configurable)

Hence I configured the Traccar Device attributes Time zone = 'America/Toronto' , is this the correct approach to making this device timezone feature work?

Basically what I am trying to achieve is that the device reports time as per its actual physical locations time zone (hence having enabled future time filter) traccar stops accepting location updates.

Looking forward for some help in this matter.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes, that's how it should work.

jaimzj7 years ago

So with 'filter.future' enabled and above configurations i shared, the device actual time zone configuration and traccar devices attribute time zone configuration are now the same, yet still the future filter gets triggered.

When I disable future filter. what i get is as following the time difference between server and fix time.

servertime = 2018-07-02 19:36:58
fixtime = 2018-07-02 23:24:56

please do let me know if there is anything in particular i can get log/data that could help.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Change timezone config and see if it affects fix time.