Unable to connect Concox GT800 gps device

Nelio Lucas7 years ago

Im fairly new to the traccar api so please bare with me.

im aware that traccar doesnt support the Concox gt800 gps device yet , however i would still like to know if its possible to get it working, or if i could atleast get some guidance into implementing an appropriate protocol for the device.

i attempted to connect my device to traccar using the protocol for Concox GT06N device but i got the following error message on the server logs :

2014-08-28 08:50:53.712:WARN:oejh.HttpParser:qtp607635164-15194: badMessage: 
    400 Illegal character for HttpChannelOverHttp@5946f125{r=1,a=IDLE,uri=-}
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Who told you that it's not supported? Please read this page:


Nelio Lucas6 years ago

Sorry icould not reply sooner,
Thank you, ill give it a read