Device timeout to show status as offline

sct146757 years ago

I have the tracking devices Lekemy TK905 supporting the "watch" protocol.
Since I configured them for long battery life, when there is no motion, I get an update only each 6h (with motion every minute).
So I want to change the timeout-threshold for the devices, so that they show the offline status only after 12h.
I found an older post (2years ago), saying that the necessary entry in the config file is the parameter 'status.timeout'.
Looking at the newer documentation, it seems to me, that the correct parameter is now '[protocol].timeout'
So I added

<entry key='watch.timeout'>43200</entry> 

in traccar.xml
Unfortunately the devices still get shown as offline after some seconds.
What did I configure wrong?

thanks and bye,

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Offline status means that there is no network connection. You can't change that.