Apache Server vs Traccar

Elwood7 years ago

Hi there, it's me again.
Last week I got my Linux Mint 18.3 homebrew server running with Apache and dyndns on it.
Every thing works fine, localhost responses Apache landing page, localhost:8082 responds Traccar.
Tracking with two devices shows actual position so far, but no tracks.
Yesterday I started the server again and localhost:8082 responds the Apache landing page.
Executing startDaemon.sh does not solve the problem.

Any suggestions?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You just need to check configuration of Apache and Traccar. There is no magic there. Whatever port you tell it to listen on it will use.

Elwood7 years ago

Sorry, I have still problems to get Traccar running, and I dont't know why the server was working three weeks ago and now it doesn't...

What I did:
Powered the server, "localhost:8082" shows standard landing page from Apache2.
Executed startDaemon.sh
Reconfigured ddclient (just in case...)
Checked if Java is still installed.
Browser is Firefox ESR 52.8.1 with JavaPlugin

In Apache config I wrote the URL of my server (ddns), in ports.conf I tested "Listen 8082", but there was no difference.

I think that I might have forgotten a tiny thing to get it running. Any clues?


Elwood7 years ago

However, one day later, after another restart of the server every thing works...
I had and have no idea what was wrong...
