how to get deviceId from the custom device table ?

kartik7 years ago

i am using traccar back-end interface. For that i download your traccar source code from your official site and import that code in netbeans . after that i add my device using your web interface and successfully i got all data in position table on my custom my question is that i am not using your web interface for adding device . i have my own web interface for add device using that i stored device data in my own device table but
how can i get deviceId from my device table ?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You should use API.

kartik7 years ago

in my custom database i stored device data in devices table like tc_devices . but how can get device id from my custom device table in my custom position table.

Cristian4 years ago

greetings to all,
install traccar with sql, I would like to show (add) in the web interface a column with the ID (1,4,5,13, ​​...), in the "devices" section ... how can I do it in a way easy?