What is your server timezone? Remember that server always expects UTC time from devices. If your device reports local time, you need to configure it to report UTC.
The server timezone is ACT + 2. The device is configured on GMT+2. I can change this as the devices have a thermal printer that prints local movement reports. Changing the time would make these report wrong. However, with this constraint, I would expect the Traccar server to record a difference of 2 hours, not 6. Basically saving the time as it was received from devices as the Linux server time and devices time is the same
sorry the server timezone is CAT, which is equivalent to GMT+2
According to the server logs, the HEX received from devices report the correct time. But what gets recorded in mysql is the reported time minus 6 hours. The server and mysql have the correct timezone set.
In the example above, the device reports the time stamp
or2018-06-11 17:47:05
But decoded time is
2018-06-11 11:47:05