Traccar API Security Mechanism

Nikhil6 years ago

I have been using your product for quite some time now. I am currently working on a project where Traccar will be involved. Right now the server exposes number of API rest end points like or or
I would be using the traccar server for a highly secured application and wanted a way in which we can secure the API end points with some token or a key so that when the application makes the request to the server it will respond as it will carry the token along with it but when the request is made outside the application without the token to the API the server should throw an error instead.

Is this possible? Kindly let me know

Nikhil6 years ago

If this will involve customizing the traccar server also let me know as I am ready for that scenario but let me know which files exactly to look for in the source code.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

All those API calls are already secured with basic authentication.