Set device's color by Ignition status

Vitor Reis7 years ago

Hello there,

The device's color is set by the connection status, right? So if the device is connected to the network it'll be green, if it's disconnected it'll be red or yellow if it got no signal.

I would change this behavior, so it'll be green if the ignition is on or red if the ignition is off.

As the attached image shows we have this information about the ignition available, so I just wanna know which files or methods should I change in order to make this change happen.

Thanks in advance.


Lucas Bastos7 years ago

I also have interest in changing this behaviour. How could it be implemented?

Parth6 years ago

Hello Anton,

The above requested thing is most awaited thing from many traccar user. Can you suggest any way to achieve this on traccar-4.3?


Kandand5 years ago

Dear Anton,

Hope all is well.

May I have your kind support how to configuring colors for status monitoring as like :

*Stopped .... Blue

*Vehicles moving with in a speed limit ..... Green

*Vehicles moving on overspeed .... Red

*Device unplugged or disconnected ...... Yellow

Please advice and looking forward hearing from you soon.

Thank You and Kind Regards

JasmeetSingh5 years ago

I can change the colour of the device in DeviceStatuses.js file for online offline and unknown. Is there a way to do the same thing with ignition on and off? Also what about motion and colour change. I tried a few different things and nothing seemed to work.

Wael Awwad3 years ago

Dear Anton,

Do you have any suggestions for this request
As we really interested in this modification.

Can this done by using computed attributes for devices?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It cannot be done using computed attributes. You have to change the code.

Wael Awwad3 years ago

Can you advise which part of code we have to change ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I don't have an answer off the top of my head. It probably requires changes in many files.

Wael Awwad3 years ago

I would like to solve some problems regarding vibration alarm of my sinotrack and the color issue .

Is it possible to be done by you on as payed service ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yes, of course.

Wael Awwad3 years ago

Then how much its going to cost me and how i can contact you on private?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Contact support email.