Server stuck, shows one position. But .log file fills with data correctly

Superego7 years ago

Hi, Anton!
Can you be so kind and help with issue?
Traccar web interface shows that target is stuck in one place, although it is moving several days. If past day trip is recalled, then it shows trips, but with negative km.
If look to .log file, all data is sent to server correctly, both GPS, and other. No deviations.

Do yo have some comments? Server restart is done.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Check time in state panel. If it's in future then it's a common issue that has been discussed on forum countless number of times.

Superego7 years ago

OK, I see. Did search and resolved problem with device time update to UTC and add device as new again to www + added to traccar.xml various filters.
But anyway - I want to understand how that happens. Device didn't sent a future time year 2032 in my case. I checked it's time. It was some +2h fluctuate. But not years.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar always expects UTC time by default.