SSL support Traccar Server

davejh9 years ago

Does anyone know how to install SSL to work with the Traccar Server. If its not possible yet has anyone installed the traccar web interface in apache or tomcat. I think SSL would be an important feature a customer would expect when considering to use you Traccar server.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can use Apache proxy for that. Some more info here:

davejh9 years ago

Thanks for that quick reply Anton. Just out of interest have you tried to implement the traccar web interface within the apache tomcat server

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I haven't tried, but it should be possible. Again, you would have to use proxy to enable Traccar API. There is no way to move the API part into the Apache.

I want to try and add SSL support for demo server when I have some free time.

davejh9 years ago

That would be great if you could add SSL support. I do firmly believe it would be a big leap foreword for this outstanding project

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I don't plan to add support directly into Traccar because it's already possible to implement SSL support via Apache or other proxy.

davejh9 years ago

I see. All I have running on my Server is Java JRE and traccar. nothing else. I was hoping not to have to install apache or anything else.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Apache is a very light-weight server, so I don't think it affect resource usage or performance.

davejh9 years ago

Ok I managed to get ssl working by place this in apache conf. it works well until I fire the site up on my mobile. for some reason ssl breaks

ProxyPass /gps/
ProxyPassReverse /gps/
ProxyPass /api/
ProxyPassReverse /api/

you can test it at

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I doesn't work for me ("Not Found" error).

davejh9 years ago

Sorry it is https is working well for me but not on a mobile device the ssl breaks

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I guess there is something wrong with mobile version. Try to contact web interface author.

Have you tried without "/gps" sub-folder? It might be causing your problem.

davejh9 years ago

Seems to be working ok now. just been on a 70 mile round trip and looked at traccar afterwards and I must say it is fairly accurate. if anyone wants to try it out they are more than welcome.

diggah9 years ago