Computed attributes

Francisco Martin7 years ago

Hello Anton,

is it possible to ignore "Driver Unique ID" if value is "0000000000000000" via computed attributes ?

Thank you.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes, something like this:

driverUniqueId == "0000000000000000" ? null : driverUniqueId
Daniel7 years ago

Hello Anton,

The ibutton when activated sends the ID to the server but on the web in Unique Driver ID it indicates: 0000000000000000 instead of the ibutton identifier.

How can I solve that?. Is it implemented on the web or do we have to configure an attribute?

Thank you very much,

A greeting.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What protocol are we talking about?

Daniel7 years ago

Teltonika Protocol

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's already fixed in the code. You might need to wait for the next release.

Daniel7 years ago

Ok, approximately do you know when the new version will be available?

Thank you very much

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Maybe a month or a bit more.

Daniel7 years ago

Ok, thank you very much and good job.

ken7 years ago

I am getting driverUniqueId 0000000000000000 all the time and the correct id i tried to remove using driverUniqueId=="0000000000000000"?null:driverUniqueId but did not work any ideas please

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Are you using Teltonika? Upgrade to the latest release.

ken7 years ago

I have Teltonika FMA120 upgraded to Firmware_Updater_v1.1.0.18 and using FMA_Configurator_v1.1.27.5 this what Teltonika gave me


ken7 years ago

I changed the setting generate event to exit and is now sending the event once but when the system updates it updates with 0000000000000000 any idea please

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I meant that you should upgrade Traccar, not your device.

ken7 years ago

I was on 3.16 now i am on 3.17 :) Thanks