Push Notification

Jose B7 years ago


Is it planned to adopt any Push-Notification solution in future Traccar versions?
{specifically talking about communication with cell phones}


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

We are considering it. The challenge is that all solutions are proprietary and we don't want to lock users into some proprietary software when the rest of the project is open source.

JP Mens7 years ago

We've had to do this in a number of different scenarios/projects and we've had very good experience decoupling notifications using a lightweight, slim, TCP-based protocol called MQTT for which there is a large number of client libraries (also for Java). A small so-called "broker" (e.g. the Open Source Mosquitto) sits on the local network and accepts MQTT publishes by clients. On the other hand you have a subscriber which can route your messages to notification services using programs such as mqttwarn from which notifications are then actually emitted (e.g. to Pushover, NMA, email, IRC, Slack, Mattermost, etc.)

You might like to read some of these to get an idea about what is possible with that:

It may interest you that the Java openHAB system also considers MQTT to be a first-class citizen.

I think adding support for MQTT to Traccar would be very useful. FWIW, we have a lot of experience with MQTT in our OwnTracks project in which we use MQTT for location tracking (Traccar has an owntracks protocol decoder we provided :-) )

MuhHuz7 years ago

hii @JP Mens, sounds great. it would be nice to use messaging protocol in notification, so the notif message could be use by another apps paralelly.

leninweblb7 years ago

Hi, it would be great this.

Jeremy Carnus6 years ago

Hi, I would like to know if the traccar project is considering this option, especially in order to remote start the ios traccar client ?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Traccar Manager now supports push notifications for events.

As for using push notifications to start Traccar Client service on iOS, I have asked Apple review team about it and they said that it is definitely against their policies and the app will be rejected.

Jeremy Carnus6 years ago

Ok, so there is no way to manage to get the client working on an ios 24h/24h. Even with some custom build or something like this?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If you don't need to go through Apple review process, then it should be fine.

Jeremy Carnus6 years ago

Sorry I didnt get the previous message. How do you manage to get an app running all the time?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I don't, but you can use push notifications for anything, if you don't need to go through Apple review.

Jeremy Carnus6 years ago

Ok, So you means I need to develop another app that will start this one for example ? And this other app can use the push notification as long as I install it using a local developper account profile and using a Over the Air Licence?

I have also read that if the app is flagged as voip, this will start automatically ? So does this means we can custom this local build to have this ?

Jeremy Carnus6 years ago

Also, what do you mean by Traccar Manager support push notification for event ?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

From you comments and questions, it seems like you haven't read documentation:


Please read it first.