You can use
. It's not possible to reload the map. I believe that you just need to change layers.
If I change the layer I have to refresh the page to get the changes (even from the account settings). So I will have to reload the whole page as I have done above?
Also, if i get the user, how do I save the new information? I tried checking the code in UserController.js
but it was complicated to me. do i need to sync the store after setting the new map to user? Kindly elaborate
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I'm adding the option to change the map type on the map toolbar. This is as a combobox as shown below.
I'm not well versed with JS and frontend development but i'm looking for pointers on how I can affect the changed by saving the new selected maptype as the user map.
In app/view/map/Map.js, I have added the component and a listener.
{ xtype: 'clearableComboBox', name: 'map', fieldLabel: '', store: 'MapTypes', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'key', listeners: { select: 'onItemSelected' } }
in app/view/map/MapController.js, I have added the function that is called when item is selected above.
onItemSelected: function (combo, record) { // to do?? window.location.reload(); }
How do I get hold of the current user in order to save this new maptype as their selected map?
Also, is there a way I can reload only the map panel instead of the whole page?