You should probably investigate issue a little bit more yourself because it's not possible to tell what the problem is with the information that you provided.
So there is trigger that writes to a table all the newly inserted positions that are written to positions table, that trigger has a scalar function call to it. all this trigger do is it adds rows to a table every time that table is created just for storing the relevant information generated by simple function so that were not playing with out of the box structure of Traccar.
Here is that trigger code
ON [dbo].[positions]
INSERT INTO [geobase].[dbo].[road_speed]
Select,p.deviceId,[geobase].[dbo].[fnGetMaxSpeed] (i.latitude,i.longitude),[geobase].[dbo].[fnGetRoadType] (i.latitude,i.longitude) FROM dbo.positions p
INNER JOIN inserted i on i.Id = and i.deviceTime = p.deviceTime
Not sure whether Traccar is unable to perform this action simultaneously and causing hiccups in the UI.
Trigger shouldn't affect anything.
Sorry should or shouldn't?
Sorry, it shouldn't.
Its actually is "affecting" which in theory it should not, I dropped the trigger , restarted Traccar services, and status is getting updated for each unit
So its definately something that I want to bring in notice of Traccar team that Web UI behave unexpectedly when adding the trigger to table. Please have it addressed
You need to investigate and find out what the problem is, if you want it to be addressed.
Problem is when we add trigger to table "positions" table because its writing to another table concurrently then is unable to update the UI, as couple of actions are happening at the same time and concurrent operations clogs up the UI interface.
You just repeated what you already said, so it won't really help. You need to check logs, database entries and anything else that can be relevant and find out what's happening.
I am not certain at this point but it could have happened after I added SQL trigger for reporting purpose on "positions" table .
what is happening is when I click on the unit on the traccar interface its not moving me to unit itself and the State portion on the interface is coming up as empty for some units not all.
I think adding any sql object like table or stored procedure or trigger is not entertained by Traccar ?