on your guide,
the IMEI number is 12 character but my IMEI device is 15 character (359710047474100)
can it affect my tracker?
IMEI is always 15 digits, but some device don't use IMEI for identification. In case of TK103 protocol for example it's 12 digit identifier.
Hmm, Right, I use TK026 and I hope can use it soon
ups sorry my IMEI number is
still not appear in your log ?
Unfortunately still nothing.
Does your device use UDP protocol? If yes, switch it to TCP.
Still not working ?
this is explain of my configuration
OldPassword:; (Only support 6 digits)
NewPassword:; (Only support 6 digits)
admin:;;;;******; (Support set 5 admin numbers)
timezone:8.00; (from -12 to 12.75)
apn:www.wap.three.co.id;3data;3data; (APN;user;password;)
adminip:; (IP:port)
gprs:1; (0:sms,1:gprs)
tcpudp:0,0; (First:0 answer,1 no answer; Second:0 TCP,1 UDP)//tcpudp:0,0 first 0 is answer and second 0 is TCP
sleep:0; (0:sleep time,1:sleep shock,2:sleep off)
so I have already use TCP on my device.
could you see my device on your log ?
hmmm, I just read some reference about configuration on my device
based on
GPS configuration
I must set it up use SMS, if edit user_config.ini it will not work
is that true ?
Hello Anton,
Sorry to disturb you again
I have already set all from SMS command
and when I check123456
this device (IMEI : 359710047473351)
GPRS and GPS status was ON
I change the port to 5001
now can you see it on your log ?
I can finally see some data from your device. It uses GPS103 protocol, so port 5001 is the right one.
The problem now is that it doesn't send any location info. Please see first point on the following page:
thank's Anton
I use device 359710047473351
But when I click Show on traccar application
My location wasn't appear,
I Think the problem is
Unfortunately, I reset my 359710047473351 configuration
but I keep try again, btw could you see my device configuration from
your side ? e.g. the apn, tcp udp or somethig ? if yes, could you tell
me it ? because I just can configure it by SMS and my GPS was not here.
All I can see is messages like this:
##,imei:359710047474110,A; ##,imei:359710047474110,A; ... ##,imei:359710047473351,A; ##,imei:359710047473351,A; ...
As you can see there is no useful information except IMEI number.
Hmm, ok
so, I must type fix060s**n123456 and SMS to my GPS number ?
I have already finish my configuration
now can you see anything on your log file ?
Yes, I believe you need to send this command to the device. Still the same empty messages in the log.
ok, I try it on outdoor area, maybe my network problem cause this case.
Thank's Anton.