Yes, it is in plans. Notifications support is also in plans.
Great, thanks for answer.
Greetings, Schorschie
Another feature to consider if possible is reporting and exportable to cvs or proper m$ excel would be great as well
It's in plans as well.
Do you have a time frame of when the GeoFencing featured would be available?
Probably sometime in the first quarter of 2016.
If you integrate with OpenGTS and use the OpenGTS DB does that get you GeoFencing? I see it says you will be able to use most features from OpenGTS system on this page.
You might be able to use OpenGTS geo-fencing if you use alternative integration method from here:
Is there any geofencing feature in planning? A simple mail alerting would be enough.
Or a mailnotifikation if tracer starts moving.
Greetings, Schorschie