TK905 sleep mode

Luke williams 7 years ago

Evening all,

I have several TK905 that all work well on moving 3 min etc, setup on the sleep123456 shock, so the unit wakes on movement and reports every 3min

I have a unit that I would like to last on its battery as long as possible, So would only like to ping it to report to traccar when requested, stolen etc.

I have tried the sleep123456 60 sent from traccar to the unit, 60 should be wake up every hour 180=3 hours etc

Yet this dont seem to work, as when I lift the unit off the window, it appears to spring to life, leds on and reports to traccar,

Can anyone please advice how i can get the unit NOT to REPORT say once a day, or every 12 hours, if I need to get it into live mode? or ping it? I can then sent Text?

Thank you

Ellen Liu7 years ago

Hi Luke,

The working mode depends on factory setting, different function different mode. So the working mode of long standby gps tracker is fixed can not be easy to change, the best and quick way is to check with devices original supplier.

For example:

These two devices just support 1 position every 6/12/24/48 hours, the user can change time interval by command between these four mode but not more, it means you can not change the time interval by 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/9.........hours. There is also the emergency mode for real time tracking for 24/48 hours for find vehicle or somebody in danger then to back to long standby mode.

At the same time, we also can provide a real time device always sending the data to sever without sleeping by UDP or TCP:

So you can set any time interval but keep heartbeat in advance.

Hope this information can help you understand your devices.

Ellen from Eelink

Skype: ellen_3640

Hey @luke-williams , same issue here.
I use lk210-3g .Both sleep time or sleep shock do not work, the device reports every 3 minutes no matter what setting i use. I tried all functions (no speed, no move, disabling geofencing on the device, setup admin ip, reset factory settings), same thing.. I think Power modes are an illusion....

Anyway, to answer the question, the only way you could save battery time that i found : turn gprs off.. nogprsPASSWORD ...To re-enable : gprspassword

D6 years ago

Hey guys same problem here with TK905.
Have you found a solution?
Ellen Liu its shouldn't be hard to make it sleep and only report when shaking (vibration alarm). The factory app that it came with allows it to sleep, but unfortunately the notifications for vibration alarm or moving or geofence were pretty much non-existent.....

malgucken6 years ago

Theres a sleep by shock sensor mode.. so in theory i you have shock123456 active. it sends.. then goes to sleep.. whatever sleep means.
Does it stop to track by then?

Wulfrun Lorensen5 years ago


I think your statement

I have tried the sleep123456 60 sent from traccar to the unit, 60 should be wake up every hour 180=3 hours etc

is incorrect.

The documentation I have for the TK905 states that the device goes to sleep after the specified time you give, if there is no movement/shock (and those settings have been enabled).

So setting sleep[password] 180 will set the device to sleep after 3 hours of no movement/shock.

AFAIK there is no way for it to wake other than:

  • movement detected (and movement alerts have been set);
  • shock detected (and shock alerts have been set);
  • you manually call the device.

I know this is an old thread but I've just been testing the TK905 and it works as intended with those settings.

Carlos Camargo2 years ago

For TK905, as you can see in manual, the syntax for sleep mode command is:

  • sleep[password] shock | time

The first one is the factory default, e.g.

  • sleep123456 shock

The alternative is, e.g.

  • sleep123456 time

Observe that time is literal, not a numeric parameter.

Jmnarvaeza year ago

But when you "sleep" it and enter the application, it should appear that the GPS is disconnected? Or what should appear, because I get the sleep ok message but the LED lights continue to work

Please Help