Hello Comunity! I am newbie using Traccar and this is my first post. I need your help: I have installed one Syrus unit (TAIP protocol), but in the "State" area I have Altitude=0 but I am getting trough a configured extended parameter from the unit the altitude value on "Al" parameter. My question is: how do I set "Altitude" with the "Al" value?
Thanks for your help on this....
This would require code changes.
Thanks Anton for your response, (nice to meet you and congratulations for the great job you have done, you are awesome)... Am I able to get into the code and do the changes or has to be trough your support?
Traccar is open source, so you can do it yourself if you want. We can provide help if you need.
Hello Comunity! I am newbie using Traccar and this is my first post. I need your help: I have installed one Syrus unit (TAIP protocol), but in the "State" area I have Altitude=0 but I am getting trough a configured extended parameter from the unit the altitude value on "Al" parameter. My question is: how do I set "Altitude" with the "Al" value?
Thanks for your help on this....