localhost:8082 error

Pjotr8 years ago

Installed traccar-windows-3.11.zip at Windows 10.
Installed Java.
Restart the machine.
Try to open de localhost:8082 which explaned in https://www.traccar.org/quick-start/

Won't open and get an error. I don't get a response.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Is service running?

Pjotr8 years ago


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Then it should open. How did you check that the service is running? From process manager? Also check logs.

Pjotr8 years ago

I checked in services

cuwid8 years ago

hi @Anton Tananaev,
i have the same problem too.
installed on windows7 64 bit. i have make sure that the traccar service is running.
But when i browse to http:localhost:8082 it show nothing.
i've found too that after few minutes the service is stopped, so i need to start the service manually again. but when the service is already running, still showing nothing
here i send you from the tracker-server.log:

2017-06-14 09:08:36  INFO: Operating system name: Windows 7 version: 6.1 architecture: amd64
2017-06-14 09:08:36  INFO: Java runtime name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.131-b11
2017-06-14 09:08:36  INFO: Memory limit heap: 880mb non-heap: 0mb
2017-06-14 09:08:36  INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2017-06-14 09:08:36  INFO: Version: 3.11-SNAPSHOT

and here from wrapper.log:

WARNING|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:34|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.08
WARNING|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:34|OS   : Windows 7/6.1/amd64
WARNING|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:34|JVM  : Oracle Corporation/1.8.0_131/C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131/64
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:34|start delay: 0
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:35|started process with pid 7756
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:35|[INFO] StandardFileSystemManager - Using "C:\Windows\TEMP\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:36|[main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:36|[main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:08 AM: liquibase: Clearing database change log checksums
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:08 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:47|INFO 6/14/17 9:08 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:08:57|INFO 6/14/17 9:08 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:07|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:17|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:27|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:47|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:09:57|INFO 6/14/17 9:09 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:07|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:17|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:27|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:47|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:10:57|INFO 6/14/17 9:10 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:07|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:17|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:27|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:47|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:11:57|INFO 6/14/17 9:11 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:07|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:17|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:27|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:37|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:47|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:12:57|INFO 6/14/17 9:12 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:07|INFO 6/14/17 9:13 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:17|INFO 6/14/17 9:13 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:27|INFO 6/14/17 9:13 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperJVMMain.executeMain(WrapperJVMMain.java:60)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperJVMMain.main(WrapperJVMMain.java:43)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|Caused by: liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by MyComputer ( since 6/14/17 8:18 AM
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at liquibase.lockservice.StandardLockService.waitForLock(StandardLockService.java:190)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at liquibase.Liquibase.clearCheckSums(Liquibase.java:1335)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.traccar.database.DataManager.initDatabaseSchema(DataManager.java:143)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.traccar.database.DataManager.<init>(DataManager.java:71)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.traccar.Context.init(Context.java:207)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	at org.traccar.Main.main(Main.java:35)
INFO|7756/0|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:37|	... 6 more
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|calling onStop
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|Win service stop - timeout: 30000
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|Win service wrapper.control -> stopping application
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|Win service stop - after shutdown
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|Win service stop - before notify
INFO|wrapper|Service traccar|17-06-14 09:13:38|Win service terminated
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

@cuwid, you have locked your database. This issue has been discussed several times before. Please use search.

cuwid8 years ago

Thanks for your advise @Anton Tananaev,
i've solve my problem now. i don't know what cause the database is locked. But i do what @cybero do, delete the H2 database. Then when i run the service, it create new database. and suddenly i can browse the web.
but i worry that the locked database is happen again (like what happen to @cybero). so i move the database to my MSSQL Express now. And it still work fine.
i'm exploring your apps now.
thanks a lot

shanthisree7 years ago

hi Anton,

what is the Server URL to be given on Traccar Client mobile app when Traccar server hosted on http://localhost:8082/
please reply asap
thank u

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

@shanthisree, how is your question related to the topic? It's not, so you should ask in appropriate place if you want to get an answer.

shanthisree7 years ago

sorry am new to this

cuwid7 years ago

@shanthisree i know its out of topic, i just wanna help. You can give http:[your server ip address]:8082
Hope it help you :-)

Raymond7 years ago

All I did was added a rule to accept port 8082 in my Windows Firewall and it opened.