OBD Chinese

Daniel Cândido8 years ago

Hello guys!

I have a Chinese OBD device, compatible with the GOOME GT12 protocol. I uploaded a server to fetch the information from it, but I still could not get an OBD response. The server can receive information from my cell phone with the Traccar Client.

The device protocol document is at this link: http://www.eelink.com.cn/uploads/datasheet/EELINK_Terminal_Communication_Protocol_V1.8.4_EN.pdf

I have tried several times, including releasing the ports and trying to crawl through the log file but received no response from it. Anyone know how I can get it?

Thank you!

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
Robert7 years ago

Hi Daniel, could you share your experience with the Goome ODB device? Does it work with Traccar?