Help with osmand protocol

Riccardo Ricci7 years ago

Hi to all!!!
I'm using this great server for my personal purpouse, and I'm thinking about to promote to many my clients. I have made a simple shell script to parse a CSV file and send it thru curl http calls...
The URL "http://myserver.dom/p5055/?id=$IDEVICE&timestamp=$TS_LINE&lat=$F2_LINE&lon=$F3_LINE&altitude=$F4_LINE&speed=$SPEED_LINE"
The live tracking seems to be ok but no events and travels was registered. Everytime I upload the data, data seems to be stored, but I can retrieve them only via the "route" type of data instead the summary travels or events... Can u help me?
Tnx to all.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Summary report should be working. Trips report might not work depending on configuration and your data. Events will only show if you had events.

Adilson Perinei7 years ago

Why do you associate this issue with the protocol osmand?
Did you check the database to see how the location has been recorded? Look in the table positions and table events. What do you see?

Riccardo Ricci7 years ago

Solved... It was a problem derived from slowly disk access with h2 database... Now it seems to be ok. When the device start to move, the event is generated. Thanks to all.

P.S.: My script load thru curl http calls, parsing data from csv file, created offline with a device that not support java and clients.