No, OsmAnd protocol doesn't support multiple locations in a single request.
Is there another option/protocol for sending multiple locations to the server?
There are quite a few supported HTTP-based protocols. Some of them do support multiple locations. Search for HttpRequestDecoder
in the code to find out which protocols use HTTP. One that might work for you is DMT HTTP protocol.
Great, I will check that.
Many thanks
Another question regarding the OsmAnd protocol.
Is there an option to send data without the location? sometimes there is no GPS reception, but we still want to send the other sensors data.
It seems that without the location, the data is not received in the server.
It should work fine without location. Make sure you always send device id.
I ask for help with the protocol for TRASSAR Client. What should the server send when accepting a package from the TRASSAR Client?
It's TraCCar, not TraSSar. Server should respond with standard OK HTTP response.
Is there an option to send more than one GPS coordinates in one call?{0}&lon={1}×tamp={2}&hdop={3}&altitude={4}&speed={5}