You can change units in user or server settings.
Thank you, when you change in User, report still shown in knots. But when you set km/h in server. Report shown Km/h.
I suspect that you have a force server settings enabled or something like that.
Yes I suspect that too.
In version 3.15 columns for units deleted (user, server).
<dropColumn tableName="servers" columnName="timezone" />
<dropColumn tableName="servers" columnName="speedunit" />
<dropColumn tableName="servers" columnName="distanceunit" />
<dropColumn tableName="users" columnName="timezone" />
<dropColumn tableName="users" columnName="speedunit" />
<dropColumn tableName="users" columnName="distanceunit" />
Where do I set preferences (timezone,speedunit,distanceunit) in the latest version?
In attributes.
Thank you for the quick reply.
In the route report, the speed in knots is shown, how can it be changed to be shown in Km / h? Using the H02 protocol