Is there a way to set by default the option "rec trace"

pierrot109 years ago

Dear All,

I noticed two option

      Rec. Trace

If I am correct, Rec. Trace allow to see the last position with a line between the position.
If I am correct the number of last position can be define Settings->Preference->Trace recording interface. Correct me if I am wrong.

When I watch the map from a mobile phone, the only option available is "Follow"

Is there a way to set the Rec. Trace active by default?
In that way, we allway will have the 10 last positions with a color path, in the Desktop version and the mobile version first all.


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

There are no such options in Traccar default web interface. I guess you are talking about mod ui. In that case it's better to ask the author on GitHub.