Traccar doesn't support geozones and notifications yet, but it's in plans.
There is an alternative Traccar web interface that does support it:
Dear Sir,
Thank for your reply. It's seams to be interresting but what the diffence with Traccar.
I understood it's like its brother or a evolution of Traccar.
I suppose,I have to first install Traccar (Linux version) and then follow the instruction from the link you pasted?
Can it work with SMS as well?
It's an alternative web interface for Traccar server.
Yes, you need to install Traccar server first and then follow instructions provided for the UI mod.
I'm not sure if it supports SMS, but it should be possible to forward emails to your phone as SMS messages.
I am interrested with that product and I would like to ask one question more, which will help me to win time.
I build my own devise with Arduino and a GPS/GSM module. Actually I send my position from my Arduino with an URL.
My URL send the GPS fix, the cellid of the closest towel, a code to define if it a GPS fix or cell location and battery level.
First can I send my information with an URL and how should I format it?
Can I send and save the battery level and the location information (cellid or GPS)
When I watch the map, I would like to able to see if it's a GPS location or a Cell location.
last question, when a device is tracked, is there some arrow to indicate the direction path?
many thank but I think, I am going to install it and try.
One of the simplest HTTP protocols supported by Traccar would be this one (also used by Traccar Client apps):
Traccar doesn't currently support cell location, but it's in plans.
As for the arrow on the map, I plan to implement it as well.
I could send my data to the server and it works.
But I have a issue with two parameters
If I read that page
Configuration file
There is setting called 'database.insertPosition'
I f I understood weel, I can user the parameter 'valid' and 'other'.
For my CellID position, I set the valid to 0 and as I would like to send my battery level, I set my URL as the following:<info><batl>67</batl></info>
The, when I check my Mysql database, my valid field, alway record and 1 instead of 0. And into my 'other' field, I have an IP asdress :{"ip":""}
How can I have a 0 into the valid field?
For the valid field, Would it be possible to have something like this:
If yes, can I display it in my véhicule icon?
For the OsmAnd protocol it's not possible to specify GPS validity flag at the moment. All messages are considered valid. You can send battery level via "batt" URL parameter.
Great, I am going to try the batt parameter.
As we can not send 'valid' parameter, how do you suggest me to send a code (or a parameter) to specify if the GPS position is valid or not. In my case, I really need to distinghish the cell tower position and the GPS position.
With SIM808, I can send the command AT+CIPGSMLOC which return the GPS position of the cell tower. It's not exact, it's the reason why, I would like to have a different color (or a sign) on my map.
Is that way a good start?
Do you have an time estimation when CellID will work with Traccar?
By the way, I worked all the day with Traccar and I think it's great and you support as well!
And I am impatience for your Traccar upgrade :o)
Thank and cheers.
Great, I am going to try the batt parameter.
But should I create a batt field into my mySql position table?
As we can not send 'valid' parameter, how do you suggest me to send a code (or a parameter) to specify if the GPS position is valid or not. In my case, I really need to distinghish the cell tower position and the GPS position.
With SIM808, I can send the command AT+CIPGSMLOC which return the GPS position of the cell tower. It's not exact, it's the reason why, I would like to have a different color (or a sign) on my map.
Is that way a good start?
Do you have an time estimation when CellID will work with Traccar?
By the way, I worked all the day with Traccar and I think it's great and you support as well!
And I am impatience for your Traccar upgrade :o)
Thank and cheers.
You don't need a new field. All extra data is saved in "other" column.
I can add a validity flag, but it would require some server side changes.
Note that "other" parameter is not supported by OsmAnd decoder either.
Main problem with supporting cell-based location is that it's hard to find a free reliable service with good terms and conditions. Do you know any?
Dear Asnton,
Thank a lot,
Do you have a list of valid parameters to sent vis the URL?
I tried batt and it works!! Great.
I tried 'cell' and cell with its value is not recorded in the 'other' field of the database.
Can we personalize it.
Regarding cellid, I tried OpenCellID.
It's look nice and the position seams to be OK. It will never be good as the GPS but it seams to be rally better than the command AT+CIPGSMLOC.
For exemple, I am in the train and only cell position are return. I move may be 60km and Traccar véhicule say 23000km!!! I looked the map, load the archive and I can see the path going any where!!! I knwon the train is not the best place to try.
Is there a way to filter a position which is greater of 10km between two position?
If you create an account by OpenCellid you can get cellid position for free during 30 days. Then you can still get the position if you upload to them, cell tower position with GPS. It's like an exchange of information.
I tried OpenCellid with OpenGTS and the result was good, no perfect, but better than nothing. I have not tried more because I could not send the cell tower that I catch to OpenCellID.
OpenGTS has a parameter to active OpenCellid and the key.
I think the best it's to do the same, but let Traccar sending a daily cell tower to OpenCellid.
This will allow user to continue using OpenCellId and updating the cell tower gps position.
When I will know better Traccar, I will tried to look for a script which will send it
Do you know OpenCellID?
I have heard about OpenCellID. I will investigate this option when I have some free time.
As for filtering, for now there is no filter for maximum distance.
Dear Anton
Some moth ago you wrote me itFor the OsmAnd protocol it’s not possible to specify GPS validity flag at the moment. All messages are considered valid. You can send battery level via “batt” URL parameter
I have some GSM location (AT+GSMLOC), and I would like to use the 'valid' field.
I would like to have 0 for GSML and 1 for GPS location.
Does the last traccar update fix that issue?
If yes, how can O use OSMAN protocol to have the correct value. I tried the following but the valid filed is always set to 1
If valid can not be used for it, for what the valid field is use to at the moment?
Thank for your support
Valid field is used to determine whether location is valid. Location determined using cell towers would be considered valid as well. I don't see any reasons why it should be invalid.
Dear All
I juste discover traccar which seams to be good. I can not find the specification
My goal is to track a device, create a geozone ( or some) and when the device leave (or enter) the geozone, I receive an SMS or eventually an e-mail.
Is it possible with traccar server?
Do you have a list of possibilities / feature?