What's the device id?
Device ID=8170864388
I have mount my own server to try capture hex data, after changing ip address and port in device, I have got :
2017-11-17 19:43:00 DEBUG: [58141C4D: 5058 <] HEX: 2929b10007305716780cb30d
2017-11-17 19:43:00 DEBUG: [58141C4D: 5058 >] HEX: 2929210005b3b100260d
2017-11-17 19:43:26 DEBUG: [58141C4D: 5058 <] HEX: 292980002830571678171117184327040381128031068200000000ffff000082fc0000001e78030e0000344c0d
2017-11-17 19:43:26 WARN: Unknown device - 488722120 (
2017-11-17 19:43:56 DEBUG: [58141C4D: 5058 <] HEX: 292980002830571678171117184357040381148031069100000000ffff000082fc0000001e78030e000034290d
2017-11-17 19:43:56 WARN: Unknown device - 488722120 (
2017-11-17 19:44:26 DEBUG: [58141C4D: 5058 <] HEX: 292980002830571678171117184427040381188031069900000000ffff000082fc0000001e78030e0000345a0d
2017-11-17 19:44:26 WARN: Unknown device - 488722120 (
I have changed ID=488722120 and it works getting coordenates GPS correct on web server.
In protocol khd documentation indicate to get ID :
"ID: 4bytes. It is in hex code. Every device has one and only ID, It is
calculate from the device SN.
For example: Suppose the device SN is: 29800298
Divide into 4 parts: 29 80 02 98
Convert to hex: 1D 50 02 62
Add 0x80 to 2nd,3rd part: 1D D0 82 62
Then you get the device ID: 1DD08262"
For that In my device with ID: 30 57 16 78 getting from de HEX on port 5058, to little endian, we getting ID: 78 16 57 30 that is in decimal 2014730032 the ID of label in device. So where comes from ID:488722120 ?
In any case it is working now.
Thanks for the support.
If you think there is some bug in decoding please raise it on GitHub.
No, sorry I don´t know if there is some bug. I only send you that I see in my device. I think is awesome the work in GitHub, and I don´t have knowledge enaugh.
Hi, I have a AL-900C and I configured it with demo5.traccar.org= and port 5058, I think is khd protocol.
On web I input ID on label of device, but not work, web show "out of line".
Can somebody help me?, ¿what is the problem?, ¿perhaps it not use khd?