Traccar is great but I am new and I have a couple of question

pierrot109 years ago

Dear Moderator and dear all,

I just installed traccar to test it and I was impresses how it was easy to install it.
I also installed WebUI without ptoblems.

I also like to see a simple interface.

However, I have a couple of questions and I would appreciate if you could clarify it for my.

Regarding the GPS fix to send to the sever:
Can we use GPRMC?
I receive my data GPS in that format:

// $GPRMC,065500.00,A,2447.65027,N,12100.78318,E,15.869,189.32,051109,,,D*57

If I look at that page

I can extract latitude and logitude.
I have to investigate how to convert the day and time field.
I do not need altitude

but how can I send the Heading (N and E)?
and how can send an addition parameter which is batl for the battery level of my module?
When I am in a bulding my SIMCOM module provide a GPS position based on Cell tower position.
With OpenGTS, I can send a code to make the difference between and Location and a Cell location
Would it be possible to send it to Traccar and having a blue icon for cell location and a green icon for GPS location?

Would it possible to adapt traccar in order to have pushing icon with arrow indicating the direction
of my module move?

Register a new user from the login window
When I in on log in window, I can register a new account.

How can I have set the default right when a new user register?
How can I filter unwanted registration or to set automaticaly and expiration date?

user account small issue
I went to my traccar web page. Instead of login, I registered an user call pierrot.
The I login as pierrot, and I went to Setting->Account.
The account link does not oppen a window and I can not change the data of my new acount. However, it works when I logof and relogin.

Manage user account
After Installing the Web UI, I have to recreate all users. No worries.
I created an user, but I only can remove it or change the password.

how the Admin account can modify, the first name, and first of all, the e-mail that I just created?

How can a user request to send lost password from the login window?

As pierrot, I created an user called pierre.
Then I log as admin, and I went to Settings->User and I can see all users, incl pierrot and pierre.
Then I log as pierrot and I went to Settings->User and I can see only pierre and pierrot

From admin account, How can I quickly see to which Account the user have been created?
and as admin, how can individualy manage all account?

I really thank you for your help and all answers, you can provide me


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can use NMEA sentences with T55 protocol:

If you are using default Traccar web interface you can set defaults server-wide and you can disable user registration from admin menu (admin can always register users manually).

If there are problems with web UI (talking about default web interface again), you can just refresh the page and it should fix any problems.

Admin can modify all users and change passwords. It cannot see passwords though. Unfortunately there is no way to request lost password at the moment.